Tips to Lowering Your Stress During the Holidays
The coronavirus has altered how we normally would celebrate the holidays, to say the least. It hasn’t though taken away all the preparations for the holiday season. Because of these added things to juggle along with our everyday lives, the holidays usually bring extra stress, and with the COVID-19 level of stress we are all experiencing, the added holiday stress could potentially be overwhelming. Use these tips to lowering your stress during the holidays to make sure you have as enjoyable a holiday as possible.
- Acknowledge that everything doesn’t need to be perfect. This is a big one. Some are better at this than others. So, what if the traditional holiday decorations don’t all make it up this year. Besides you, who will know.
- Start holiday planning and preparations now. Don’t wait until the last minute to do your shopping, wrapping gifts, and figuring out your meal plan. Spreading holiday tasks out over longer periods of time means you’ll have less stress when the holidays do arrive.
- Take shortcuts to save time. Figure out easier ways to do things that will provide more time for other holiday tasks and activities. Especially with the concerns of COVID-19, being creative on gift buying is the way to go. Such as, getting a gift card as holiday gifts. Perhaps think about supporting your favorite restaurant and buy some of your holiday dishes from them.
- Choose what you want to do. Ponder what the holidays truly mean to you and then express that meaning in your celebrations. Avoid getting caught up in the commercialism that has taken over the entire holiday season.
- Remember to add in time to enjoy yourself. If you are the one in charge of the holidays it is hard to remember to take time for yourself. This year it is even more important to take a deep breath, relax, and know that it will all be ok. And don’t forget to smile once in a while too.
Especially this year, make the decision to reduce your holiday stress. By shedding the urge to be perfect, beginning holiday planning earlier, using shortcuts to save time, and adding in time for yourself, you’ll bring your tension level way down. Hopefully, you will find these tips useful and if you like them will continue to use them to lower your stress throughout the year.
Think about what you really want the holidays to mean to you and your family. Then, you can let go of expectations based on the past and really enjoy your time together. And ultimately, isn’t that what the holidays are for?
Wishing you the best of holidays during these unusual times!